
Positively Awesome Workshops (PAWs)

PAWs will be hour long workshops into some aspects of hacking. Want to do your first buffer overflow? Come to the PAW! We are aiming these workshops to various levels of skills, but would like to focus on newcomers to the cyber security world.

PAW #1: Kali Virtual Machine Setup
by NuclearFarmboy @ 11:30-12:00

Want to participate in the guided CTF, the CTF, or just want to learn how to install Kali Linux on your laptop so you can hack all the things? This workshop will help you install virtualization sofrware VirtualBox and install a virtual machine so you can run computers inside your computer. Beginners and newbies very welcome!

PAW #2: Lockpicking 101
by NuclearFarmboy @ 12:00-12:30

Head on over to the Lockpicking table and go over the fundamentals of lockpicking, learn new tricks, and try out your skills in this hands-on workshop. No experience required! Find your footing to compete in the lockpicking competion!

PAW #3: Guiding the CTF
by BVo and pCyber @ 2:00-3:00

Get your cyber hands dirty and really dig into a challenge of the CTF where you can learn some tools, techniques, skills, and ask all the questions you may possibly have from two pros! No dumb questions, no judgement, 100% answers!

PAW #4: Studying The Blade: Dull Wit and Sharp Knives
by Nick Up There@ 4:30-5:00

Come study the blade and learn how a knife is properly sharpened, what an edge is supposed to look like! Nick Up There will have a demonstration of how knife sharpness is attained and maintained!