What should I bring?

FrecklesCon is a cyber security conference, we have a some recommendations if you want to participate in the workshops or the GCTF, but the only core requirement we have is you bring enthusiasm and a desire to learn! For the GCTF and workshops we recommend:

  • A laptop with your hacking tools such as Kali, Wireshark, GDB, etc.,

  • Your laptop/phone charger

  • A notepad to take notes on if you wanna kick it old school

If you have a project on an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi, you should bring that too for Freckles Table

Will there be WiFi?

Yes! There will be WiFi and a FrecklesCon network. We will try our best to monitor it for people being jerks on it, but just use your best judgement. We don't expect it to be a problem.

What is the dress code?

It's a con! T-shirts, jeans, cargo shorts, your usual attire. Be comfy.

Will there be photography?

We encourage people to ensure the consent of everyone that may be in the photos they take. We support your right to privacy, and we also encourage people to take photos of what they are doing. Just ask, be friendly, and remember the rule at FrecklesCon: Don't be a jerk.

Will the workshops/talks be streamed?

We will attempt to stream the talks and workshops IFF the presenter is OK with it.

Who do I contact if I have problems at the conference?

Brian, Cervando, pCyber, and the CTF Dev Team will be around. Stop us and let us know what the problem is and we will do our best to resolve it.

Who is pCyber?

Some say he's a ghost in the machine. Others say you can hear his wisdom if you listen to the dial up tone in an old modem. Many believe he is the Gibson come to life. The only thing certain is that when it comes to pCyber nothing is certain.