
What FrecklesCon is About

FrecklesCon is a conference geared to newcomers and experienced cyber security professionals. The conference aims to be an open and welcoming space to all skill levels and backgrounds to work on cyber security concepts. We want to foster curiosity, positivity, and excitement in a space where it is easy to be told "get gud" and "try harder". Freckles is a little corgi that loves to make friends and views the world with curiosity and excitement. Be like Freckles.

Why We Started FrecklesCon

We started FrecklesCon because at our core we, the founders, know that many people have helped us along in our journey and we want to create a space where we can offer the same to others. We want to create a conference and an environment that welcomes new people to the field who may be otherwise discouraged or intimidated by others in the field. We refuse to gatekeep knowledge, dissuade enthusiasm, and ignore questions. We saw a need for a conference that would bring people together and make each other better.

Who Are the Crazy Folks Who Started FrecklesCon?

Brian Vohaska

Brian aka BVo, is a world renowned cyber security expert, at least according to his mom after he fixed the WiFi, who has been known to hack the Gibson with one hand and crush a burrito with the other. He loves explaining things with a lot of enthusiasm, and will help you reset all the WiFi routers you need.

ADHD Rating: 4K

Cervando Banuelos

Cervando aka NuclearFarmboy, aka DJ Thundercat, aka Voider of Warrantees, aka Child of Cherenkov, aka Wrangler of RATS was a nuclear engineer until he was bitten by a radioactive string of bytes and became Cyberman. Wielding his trusty melodica, he uses his cyberwebs and cybersense to tackle one of the most difficult problems of our day: how to teach people that they should not click suspicous links in email. His catchphrase "I'm going to try something dumb here" strikes fear into the hearts of his parents.

ADHD Rating: 1080p

Devon pCyber Ellis

I Hack

I Slack

I am pCyber

ADHD Rating: 480i

CTF Dev Team

Sean McConnel

Sean AKA SMoney is as mysterious as the dark side of burnt toast. He not only sees the code in the Matrix but can edit it on the fly in Vim. When he's not writing sick challenges that he forgets the answer to, he is hanging with his copilot: Chewie the dog.

Cool Dude Rating: ICE COLD

Markus Shaw

Markus AKA ExpertCactus needs no introduction. Rumor has it he once hacked a server just by staring it down and altering the electrons with the power of his MIND. When he's not writing challenges on a spinning disk with a magnetic needle and steady hand, he is known to be a nice dude.

Cool Dude Rating: Measured in Kelvins