September 3, 2022
1301 N Troy St
Arlington, VA 22201
"Palatine Apartments - Clubroom"


The cyber security conference for people who want to learn more and make friends!

The Merch Shop is now open! Get your FrecklesCon Swag ahead of time!

We're Back! Thanks to all of you who came out in 2021!

FrecklesCon is a conference geared for newcomers and seasoned cyber security professionals alike. Nobody likes to feel dumb, and nobody likes getting talked down to, so FrecklesCon is a conference free of judgement and gate keeping where if you don't know something, there will be someone excited to explore it with you!

Named after the goodest boy, Freckles, the con focuses on bringing curious and excited people together to learn more about cyber security. There is no better teacher than your peers, and the only rule at FrecklesCon is don't be a jerk. Freckles is a tiny corgi that loves to make friends and views the world with curiosity. Be like Freckles.