Sit and Stay Talks

Sit Talks

Sit talks are 3 minute slots where you can talk about:

  • Something you are passionate about

  • Something cool you have worked on

  • Something cool you are working on

  • Something cool you have discovered

  • Something that gets you excited

Keeping in line with the theme of FrecklesCon, we want to encourage anyone that has something cool and interesting that they would like to share. Share your enthusiasm and curiosity and help someone learn something new! Door prizes and swag will be given out to outstanding talks!

Last year Talks and Topics can be found HERE

Stay Talks

Stay talks follow the same theme and format but are 15 minutes. This is to account for any topic that may require some more extensive explanation or time for memes.

We want to give everyone who wants to share their passions an inclusive environment where they can share their work and find others that can join them along the journey.

Last year Talks and Topics can be found HERE